Interactive & Digital 6th Grade Math Word Wall Algebraic Relationships



Interactive & Digital 6th Grade Math Word Wall Algebraic Relationships

This 24-card interactive word wall will get your middle school students learning and remembering their academic vocabulary in no time! Included are three sets of 8.5X11 identical cards: one color, one black and white, and one for coloring in. Students use the Google Form for assessment or to practice their new knowledge. They can use index cards and also post-it notes to add to the word wall. Additionally you can  print out the cards smaller and put them on an o-ring so they have their own set. Your visual learners and ELL students will appreciate and learn from these activities too!

This Interactive & Digital 6th Grade Math Word Wall Algebraic Relationships resource includes:

•Three identical sets of numbered vocabulary cards. This 24-card (27 vocabulary words) set has a color version, a black-and-white version, and an outlined set for coloring in so you can choose whichever one you prefer.

•A 20-question, “question bank” based on the cards.

•An editable google form with the “question bank” questions included.

•Instructions and other ideas for using these word wall cards.

The words for this set include:

Commutative Property

Associative Property

Identity Property

Inverse Property

Distributive Property






Constant Term

Like Terms

Order of Operations





Prime Factorization



Function Table

Function Rule

Coordinate Plane


x- and y-axis

Ordered Pair

x- and y-coordinate


Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

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Linear functions are a huge part of Algebra I.  Why not start collecting engaging activities to involve all students?

Grab your free Scrambled Answers Activity over finding the slope and y-intercept!

Your students will practice solving for y and then identify the slope and y-intercept from graphs, tables, and equations.

To make this activity even more engaging, your students will search for their answers to ensure they are doing it correctly.  You will become the facilitator instead of the teacher and your day will become much easier.

Thank you,

Suzy Mahoney

Absolute Algebra

Interactive & Digital 6th Grade Math Word Wall Algebraic Relationships

Interactive & Digital 6th Grade Math Word Wall Algebraic Relationships
