Systems of Equations & Inequalities Digital Escape Room



Systems of Equations & Inequalities Digital Escape Room

This is a NO PREP Escape Room! Just hand your 8th grade or Algebra I students the worksheet, give them the URL for the Google Form and they’re ready to go! Your students will be solving systems of equations & inequalities while trying to find codes to “break out” of each section. For this escape room they will need to read the directions carefully and be extremely precise in finding the code. It’s a skill that all students will need for their future!

This Systems of Equations & Inequalities Digital Escape Room resource includes:

  • 28 Problems: Solving Systems by Graphing, Substitution, Elimination, using the graphing calculator, and solving systems of inequalities. Word Problems are also included.
  • Teacher Instructions
  • Google Form URL for students to enter their codes
  • Detailed notes for finding the intersection and using the matrix function on the calculator
  • Answer Sheet for students
  • Answer Key

If you have any questions please contact me at

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Linear functions are a huge part of Algebra I.  Why not start collecting engaging activities to involve all students?

Grab your free Scrambled Answers Activity over finding the slope and y-intercept!

Your students will practice solving for y and then identify the slope and y-intercept from graphs, tables, and equations.

To make this activity even more engaging, your students will search for their answers to ensure they are doing it correctly.  You will become the facilitator instead of the teacher and your day will become much easier.

Thank you,

Suzy Mahoney

Absolute Algebra

Systems of Equations & Inequalities Digital Escape Room

Systems of Equations & Inequalities Digital Escape Room
